Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hiatus Hiatus Hiatus

     Recess,Vacation, Holiday, whatever you want to call it, this blog has been on it. But does a halt in blogging particularly mean its author is off somewhere tropical, bathing (or burning) in the sun? Purposely disowning its loyal followers for a short time, in return for some desired "me" time.  Not exactly. In most cases, with personal blogging especially, a hiatus from posting probably means the writer is off pursuing something worth while. It could be a career move, an internship, or new job. It could be education. Working towards a new degree, or heading back to college to become a bachelor in a profession other than love. Regardless of reason the author is gaining experience, and with experience comes insight, and insight follows a story to tell. Add the story to the trend and BOOM! a blog post worth tweeting about.
     While the new media experts may sit and bark about consistency in publishing timely posts, tweets, ect. Is the tweet worth re-tweeting and is the blog worth reading if the message if filled with empty, thesaurus spun words, simply raise ones Klout score and gain a robot follower or two? No, of course not. Our college professors always told us, a two page paper filled with great content is better than a four page paper filled with "ok" content. The same goes with blogs and tweets. If you have nothing good to blog about then don't blog at all. A successful online writer should have their readers waiting with anticipation, rage, and confusion when taking a vacation from their new media source. Although the return must also be earned, the writer needs to be ready to write something that will recapture their readers and make the wait worth while.
      So the moral of the post is blog breaks are healthy. They allow the new media junkie to go and gain the insight and come back with a strong article, giving the readers the finger twitch to re-tweet. However, who says a beach day of BLLs and good conversations can't also spark an idea or two for a post...

1 comment:

  1. True. I learned this the hard way and burned out on post quantity. If I focused on post quality from the beginning, I'd still be posting consistently.
